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Chiropractic Care for Seniors

More and more seniors are enjoying the remarkable benefits of chiropractic care as part of their healthy lifestyle. A growing body of research is praising the health benefits of chiropractic care for seniors. The following is a list of benefits chiropractic care provides for seniors.

1. Increased range of motion of the spine and extremities
Studies show that increasing a person’s range of motion can positively affect one’s life in many ways. For some, an increased range of motion means being able to pick up their grandchildren, and for others being able to get an extra 50 yards with the driver at the golf course. An increase in range of motion is often witnessed immediately after a chiropractic adjustment.  


2. Pain Relief
Chiropractic care is a common health care treatment for those suffering from low back pain, neck pain, arthritis pain, headaches, muscular tension or injuries. As we grow older, such pain becomes more prevalent, which is why many older adults and seniors are turning to chiropractors for the relief of their age-related aches and pains without the use pain relievers to mask the symptoms.


3. Reduce the risk of falls
Injuries due to falling are extremely common in the elderly population. Falls are responsible for 90% of the bone fractures among Canadians past the age of 65. Chiropractic adjustments have the effects to normalize spinal joint receptors which provide the brain with important balance and coordination information. A chiropractor will also prescribe stretching, strengthening and exercise programs to increase strength, flexibility, mobility, coordination and balance.


4. Increased health and wellbeing
The biggest issue with seniors as they age is maintaining high quality of life. Initiating chiropractic care at later stages of life can make incredible differences in quality of life and longevity. Feeling good, staying healthy and doing the things that make us happy are what keeps us looking forward to each new day. Regular chiropractic care can increase the quality of life and increase health and well-being.


5. Keeps seniors out of nursing homes
A study conducted by Dr. Ian Coulter at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College looked at the effects of chiropractic care on seniors. A few key points noted from his study concluded that:

      1) 44% of those who used chiropractic care reported having arthritis compared with 66% in the non-c
          chiropractic care group
      2) At three years follow-up, less than 5% of those who used chiropractic care lived in a nursing home     
          while a staggering 48% of those who did not use chiropractic care did live in a nursing home
      3) At three years follow-up, only 26% of those who used chiropractic care were hospitalized compared
          with 48% of those in the non-chiropractic group


Please visit a chiropractor and find out how a chiropractor can help improve the quality of life of you and your loved ones.

(Coulter, PhD et al. Chiropractic and Care for the Elderly. Top Clin Chiro 1996; 3(2):46-55.)


Submitted by


Dr. Jason Yang, DC

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