It's that time of year where we count our blessings and do our best to help out the less fortunate in our community. Once again our clinic is collecting donations for the Guelph Food Bank and year after year our amazing patients go above and beyond to provide items for those in need. If you are able to help out by dropping off non-perishable items at the clinic by December 19th we would be thrilled to deliver them to the Food Bank.
Struggling to know which items will best serve the Food Bank?
Here is a list of suggested items for inspiration:
• Gift cards which can be used to purchase fresh or frozen produce
• Adult and Child hygiene products
o Soap
o Shampoo
o Toothpaste
o Toothbrushes
o Dental floss
o Deodorant
o Feminine Hygiene Products
• Girls' and boys' pull ups
• Diapers - all sizes
• Infant formula (dairy and soy based)
• Baby food
• Canned meats (tuna, salmon, ham etc.)
• Wheat/Gluten free items
• Nut free items
• Pet Food
• Healthy lunch snacks
o Protein based granola bars
o Fruit to Go
o Natural fruit roll-ups/snacks
o Unsweetened applesauce cups
Thank you so much for your continued support of our community - Happy Holidays!!
Your Norfolk Chiropractic Team