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Practitioner Profile - Dr. Katie Thomson Aitken, Naturopathic Doctor

Next up in our “Practitioner and Staff Profile” Blog series is Dr. Katie Thomson Aitken, Naturopathic Doctor. Here is a little ”Take 5” interview I did with her, to give you a better idea about just who Dr. Katie is, and what some of her favourite things are (and are not!)


Dr. Katie Thomson Aitken - Naturopath - GuelphQ: What made you enter your field of practice?

A: I decided to become a naturopathic doctor when I was 12. I was the kid with the constant runny nose, I was always sick and had constant ear infections and frequent asthma attacks. My health changed dramatically when I saw a naturopathic doctor. I felt called to join the profession and have enjoyed learning about naturopathic medicine ever since. This short video talks more about "why I do what I do"


Q: What is your favourite book?

A: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Only very rarely does a book come along that is so profound and so real that it changes who you are as a person. This book came into my life when I needed it and I've been working on listening to my heart ever since. 


Q: Do you have a favourite sports team? Which one?

A: I have a confession to make. I have never been to a professional sporting event. Literally never. No sports. I also don't watch sports on TV. I like participating in sports, I love to ski and do yoga; I even run sometimes. My husband has convinced me to try curling and ultimate frisbee, both which I enjoy playing. But I'm just not into watching professional sports as a hobby!


Q: What has been the best year of your life so far? why?

A: This is a tough one but I'm going to pick 2016. It had some life changing bucket list moments; I became a mother and I confirmed my faith, both things I've been looking forward to for some time. It was full of a lot of joy; I celebrated as many of my dearest friends got married (Half of my own wedding party!) and spent a lot of time with my family. But none of those things is really why I picked it. 2016 was a year of stepping further into myself, and making choices that allow me to live my life in way that feels authentic and full of joy. And so while 2017 honestly has had some very difficult moments so far, I'm optimistic that by this time next year my answer will have changed and that, from a place gratitude, my best year "so far" will be 2017. 


Q: What is your favourite pastime away from the clinic?

A: One of my favourite things to do is cook. I love making everything from tomatoes on toast to a multi-course roast dinner. I find cooking to be such a full body sensory experience. It's very grounding and, when I have time to cook alone in the kitchen, quite meditative. It's also been a rewarding hobby in that the more time I spend doing it the more delicious food I get to eat! If you want to hang out and cook with me, Dr. Gair and I share our seasonal menu plan in our Nourish Facebook group here: 


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