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Practitioner Profile - Dr. Tim Lodder

Our Practitioner Blog Series continues with a profile of Dr. Tim Lodder DC. Here are his answers to his "top 5" questionaire.


Q:  Where is your home town and what is was your favourite thing about it?

A: I grew up in Fergus, a small town just north of Guelph.  We lived in a subdivision on the edge of town surrounded by farmers’ fields, forests, open fields, a river and an old railroad track.  As kids we were outside exploring and playing every day … we climbed trees, built forts, played ‘war’ in the forest, swam in the river, played sports and biked everywhere.  It was such an amazing experience and we were always so adventurous.  My childhood was great that way – as long as we were home for dinner by 5:30!  Today I still love being outdoors and being active and most of that love I can attribute to the fun I had as a kid.


Q: What made you enter your field of practice?

A: I have wanted to become a chiropractor since I was 13 years old.  It was a combined interest in anatomy, natural health, being treated by a ‘cool’ chiropractor as a child that first peaked my interest.  As I began along the education journey, I was very fascinated with the many amazing aspects of the human body.  Now after over 10 years of practicing I’m still in love with what I do.  Being a chiropractor is a rewarding occupation and I’m thankful that I’m able to use the gifts I have to help others feel well.  I have realized that the body’s wellbeing is not a simple physical state.  There are many factors involved and there is never “I have arrived” moment.  Health is a constant, every day journey.  I’m blessed to hear so many stories of people pursuing and achieving healthier and happier lives.  To be part of that every day is a gift.   


Q: What is your favourite movie?

A: I love movies but I will have to say my favourite is The Usual Suspects starring Kevin Spacey.  It is an intriguing movie with a spectacular ending.  I have watched it about 20 times and still find parts of the story that I never figured out before.  “The Greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn’t exist”.


Q: What is your favorite pastime away from the clinic?

A: Do I have to pick one?  I have many things I love to do but first and foremost is spending time with my amazing wife and four kids.  That can be playing endless games of Uno, going for bike rides, hiking by the river, family camping trips (in our new trailer!), going to hockey, ballet, or swimming lessons, going to church or just relaxing at home.  My family is amazing and I love spending time with them.  My next favourite thing will be to be active.  Hockey, baseball, running, biking or just a good ol’ hike.


Q: If you could meet one person from any time in history, who would it be and why?

A: Jesus.  I believe that through the death and resurrection of my Saviour Jesus I am redeemed from my sins and adopted as a child of God.  That gives me great comfort in my life.  But I’m very fascinated by Jesus’ life here on earth.  What would it have been like to see him?  Or to witness his miracles?  If I lived then would I have accepted him as Jesus, the son of God?  At least I know I do now.  

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