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Happy National Non-Smoking Week

This week in honour of National Non-Smoking Week we’re talking about quitting. Tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death and illness in Ontario. If you’ve quit smoking - I’d like to extend my heartfelt congratulations on taking such a big positive change in your health. If you are thinking about quitting - I offer my support and respect for working to make that change for yourself.


Many Local and National Organizations offer programs and support to help you quit smoking. Smokers Help Line Has tons of resources including online and workbook program, texting support, and a contest to win a new car!   The Lung Association has it’s own free pdf workbook you can find here. CAMH has a great tips list.


Sometimes a workbook, or even a car lottery, isn’t enough to keep you on the path to being smoke free. Or maybe, you just don’t want to tackle this on your own. Naturopathic medicine can help. Your naturopathic doctor can use a variety of tools to support you:



Did you know foods can change the taste/enjoyability of a cigarette? Cutting back your coffee, alcohol, and sugar consumption (or enjoying these things away from cigarettes) decreases the taste of the cigarette. Consuming beverages like milk and water and foods like fruits and vegetables near the cigarette also negatively impact taste.



Acupuncture consists of regular treatments where very thin needles are inserted into the body to simulate the movement of Qi (energy). This ancient system of medicine calms the nervous system, helps the body through the detoxification process, and can support the quitting process.


Botanical Medicines

Plants come in a variety of forms: from pills, to liquids, to teas, and can be used to support the lungs, promote detoxification, and calm the nervous system.



Naturopathic consultations for any condition include elements of counselling. If you are trying to quit smoking a naturopathic doctor can support your journey and help you reach your goals. They will celebrate with your successes and hold you accountable. Naturopaths ask the tough questions and are there to listen to your answers.


Local to Guelph? Book your appointment today! Let’s get you started on a smoke-free 2015!


Submitted by


Dr. Katie Thomson Aitken, ND

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